Saturday, December 10, 2011

Spectacular Wetabix Commercial and The Making Of

Commercials like this make my job as an educator so much fun. We studied this commercial and the "making of" video in my high school media classes. It's amazing how all these talented, creative people came together to create such a fascinating way to sell cereal. The music was made by Mord Fustang from Estonia - yes Tallinn, Estonia. You can hear his other creations here at SoundCloud
. How lucky we are to live in a time when a music maker from Estonia can connect with directors from the United States for a British commercial, starring a super talented tween named (thanks to her parents for this!) - Arizona Snow. It's a visual feast for the eyes and ears. I love commercials so thanks to all involved for such a stunning 30 seconds. Also thanks to the dancers who endured the sweaty bear suits! We all wanted Weetabix cereal after we watched! The "making of" video is just icing on the cake and extremely beneficial for my students, to see what a totally fun career they could have in media.

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